NISM Series 7 : Securities Operations & Risk Management Mock Test | NISM 7 Mock Test


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Cracking the NISM Series 7 isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.It’s daunting, right? Well, fear not. I’m here to guide you through the maze with proven strategies and insights.This blog post is your treasure map to acing the NISM Series 7 mock test.



Practice for the NISM Series 7 Exam with Mock Test

Cracking the NISM Series 7 isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.It’s daunting, right? Well, fear not. I’m here to guide you through the maze with proven strategies and insights.This blog post is your treasure map to acing the NISM Series 7 mock test.Expect to uncover secrets to success, one paragraph at a time.Dive in, and let’s conquer this together.

Master NISM Series 7: Study Smart, Not Hard

1. Introduction

The NISM Series 7 – Securities Operations and Risk Management Exam is technically a very important exam conducted by the National Institute of Securities Market. NISM. SEBI has notified that this exam is the basic reqirement for any person to be associated with a registered Stock Broker in recognised stock excahnges. Which means  all the staff of Stock Brokers etc. will have to pass this exams.

2. Lets Understand SORM NISM Series 7 Exam:

The NISM SORM exams are conducted online at various NISM centers and all question asked are of ‘multiple choice’ Q&A. The time duration is 120 minutes and a candidate has to answer 100 questions totaling to 100 marks. 50% marks are passing marks. There is a negative marking of 0.25%.

3. Frequently Asked Questions about SORM NISM Series 7 Exam:

What are the different names of SORM Exam ?

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What is SORM Exam?

SORM full form is Securities Operations & Risk Management. This NISM Series 7 exam is a compulsory exam for employees of registered stock-broker / trading member / clearing member in recognized stock exchanges, involved in

  1. Assets or funds of investor or clients
  2. Redressal of investor grievances,
  3. Internal control or risk management
  4. Activities having a bearing on operational risk.

Who can write / should write this SORM exam?

  1. Approved users (Dealers) of the trading member of a Registered Stock Broker or Trading Member or Clearing Member of a recognized stock exchange.
  2. Employees of Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers in Capital Market Segment
  3. Students of all discipline but would be most useful to MBA Finance, B.Com, M.Com, Lecturers, and Professors etc.
  4. Anybody having interest in the Capital Market Segment

Where can I get NISM Securities Operations Exam Dates ?

You can access the following after logging in:

  1. Check Seat Availability
  2. Schedule a Test / Enroll Online
  3. Make Payment using Credit Card / Debit Card/ Net Banking
  4. Take Practice Exams
  5. Download Admit Card / Study Material (after enrollment)
  6. Access Exam Results and Verify Skills
  7. Submit Feedback and much more…

How to do NISM Exam registration ?

What topics are covered in NISM SORM syllabus ?

Syllabus Outline for NISM SORM Exam

NISM SORM Syllabus Weightages (Syllabus wise question %)
1: Introduction to Securities Markets 5%
2: Market Participants in the Securities Markets 10%
3: Introduction to Securities Broking Operations 20%
4: Risk Management 15%
5: Clearing Process 15%
6: Settlement Process 15%
7: Investor Grievances and Arbitration 10%
8: Other Services Provided by Brokers 10%

Assessment Structure: Exam Pattern for NISM SORM

DURATION 120 Minutes
EXAM FEES Rs 1500/-


I. Introduction to the Securities Market

  1. Indian securities markets and its role in Indian economy
  2. Structure of Securities market
  3. Money market and its key features
  4. Products traded in the securities market

II. Market Participants in the Securities Market

  1. Types of investors
  2. Issuers
  3. Intermediaries
  4. Regulators and regulatory framework

III. Introduction to the Securities Broking Operations

  1. Trade life cycle
  2. Front office operations
    1. • Client on-boarding and registration
    2. • KYC
    3. • Unique Client Code
    4. • Order management
    5. • Order routing through the exchange
    6. • Execution of trade
  3. Risk management practices
  4. Surveillance mechanism
    1. • Trade enrichment
    2. • Trade allocation
    3. • Trade confirmation/modification
    4. • Clearing and settlement
    5. • Accounting
    6. • Information technology
    7. • Regulatory compliances

IV. Risk Management

  1. Risk Management practices
  2. Capital adequacy requirements
  3. Client account control
  4. Margin requirements
  5. Compliances and regulatory reporting

V. Clearing Process

  1. Clearing process
  2. Role of clearing agency in clearing of trades
  3. Role of clearing banks in clearing of trades
  4. Role of clearing members / Custodians in clearing of trades
  5. Role of depositories and depository participants in clearing of trades
  6. Clearing process for equities trading
  7. Clearing process for derivatives trading

VI. Settlement Process

  1. Settlement cycle
  2. Settlement of Internet based trading and order placed on phone
  3. Settlement of funds
  4. Settlement of securities
  5. Corporate actions adjustment
  6. Auction of securities

VII. Investor Grievances and Arbitration

  1. Redressal of investor grievance
  2. Procedure of arbitration
  3. Role of appellate arbitration

VIII. Other Services Provided by Brokers

  1. Services provided by brokers
  2. IPO applications
    1. • Collection of IPO application forms
    2. • ASBA facility
  3. Mutual fund trading through stock exchange
  4. Portfolio management services provided by brokers
  5. Research reports
  6. Depository services
  7. Margin trading